Koti Innovative School visited ISU


This May,  a group of students from Koti Innovative School visited the Spanish department at ISU. It was a great opportunity for our students to learn a bit more about the language and Mexican culture.

-by Andrea Romero and Ima Pichardo, secondary Spanish teachers

Students and staff from Koti Innovative School follow our school on social media and fell in love with our multicultural background, and the fun activities we organise. After getting in touch with Ms Gómez, the principal of Koti Innovative School, we started with a planning for the day where all students had the opportunity to interact.the organisation started. The visit took place on 16 May from 10:00-13:00.


Our Spanish Department organised some cultural activities. The Mexican students, divided into two groups,  prepared a presentation where they spoke about geography, culture, food, government, traditions, and some fun and interesting facts about Mexico. The ISU students were very interested and asked many questions. The Koti group brought a popular Mexican bingo game called "loteríaa". Our students played in groups and were helped by the Mexican students, learning new vocabulary. Ultimately, the winning team won prizes, such as traditional Mexican toys.

Bubblegum & chocolate

Afterwards, we shared lunch together with some students from grade 8, where they communicated practicing Spanish and English. Students were very excited and even more of our students wanted to join the activities to be part of the experience.

Teresa, Serena and Coltrane, our Spanish-speaker students from Grade 9, gave a tour of the school and showed the Mexican students some classrooms, such as the laboratory, library, art room, drama room, etc. The students then had the opportunity to see how our MYP community interact with each other.

Mrs. Pichardo, who is also from Mexico, was very happy to share a bit more of her culture with her students and new knowledge with the whole group, regarding history and some interesting information, like that bubble gum and chocolate are originally from Mexico and now the whole world can enjoy!