How we connect

From one on one conversations to whole school celebrations.

Our school is a strong community existing of students, staff and parents. We connect on many levels, for example during parent teacher meetings, exhibitions, school festivals, concerts and whole school celebrations. The Parent Support Group helps connect parents by organising events such as coffee mornings, daytime excursions and evening get togethers. The Participation Council, in which students, staff and parents are represented assists the school on a more formal level.

Join us

Parent Support Group

How to get involved.

In joining the school, all parents become part of the Parent Support Group (PSG). We are parents supporting parents within ISU and we help each other to settle in and have some fun. Within the PSG, there is a PSG Organising Committee which organises events and collaborates with ISU leadership and staff to assist in school. The PSG Organising Committee welcomes willing and committed volunteers so more events can be organised for the benefit of all. If you are interested, please reach out to the PSG via

Parent volunteers at ISU

There are various volunteer roles for parents within the school:

  • New Parent Connectors. The PSG New Parent Connectors (NPC) assist new parents with basic school and community questions. We do our best to connect new parents with Grade parents who are willing to share their ISU experiences. If you would like to be a new parent connector, please email
  • Class parent representatives. Each primary class has at least one parent who works closely with the classroom teacher throughout the school year. Class parent representatives liaise with all the parents in their class to find volunteers for various class activities and excursions. If you would like to become a class parent representative please talk to your child's classroom teacher.
  • Parent volunteers. These are volunteer parents who help in the class with for example guided reading, class decorations and school festivities.This is a fantastic way to meet other parents. If you are interested, please talk to your child's class parent representative and/or your classroom teacher.

Participation Council

ISU has a Participation Council (PC) that conforms to the Dutch participatory model for schools. In this official body staff, parents and students have a voice and play an advisory role for certain areas of school vision and planning.


The Participation Council Regulations were updated and approved by the PC in June 2024.

Annual Reports