DP Geography excursion at Zandmotor beach


The DP1 Geography students went on an excursion from the Zandmotor beach, where I took my brave geo-group to collect field data for their Internal Assessment. We returned a little sunburned, back-ached from sleeping in tents, and sleep deprived, but feeling happy as we had a great time, and most importantly, we bonded even more as a group.

-byAmaya Menendez, DP Geography teacher

We departed fully packed with the Geo equipment, and of course our bags and tents. Setting up tents was our first mission once we arrived: we sat up a nice and lively camp that surely made our neighbours very happy to have us. We even enjoyed a touch of real wildlife as two amicable (and hungry) foxes paid some of the boys a visit in the middle of the night to steal their food. Never leave anything again outside the tents!

That afternoon and the next day we surveyed the dunes and coastline working in groups, covering an area of approximately 4 km in length! The students’ hard work and of course the presence of Ms Roux who  came with us, made it possible. Morris, Martin, Jules and Levi measured waves energy, longshore drift and infiltration rates at the SW part of the beach. Itay, TJ, Jamin and Matt did their share in the NE half of the beach. 

isu geography students on zandmotor beach

Meanwhile, Daan, Lusé, Myrthe, Raphael and Shravani collected detailed data on beach topography and did sediment sampling. We finished off the day at the beach with a well-deserved barbecue at the camping.