Dive into safety: Grade 2 takes the plunge


It is crucial for every child to learn how to swim, especially in the Netherlands where there is water everywhere. Not only does it contribute to their safety, but it also fosters self-reliance. That's why the municipality of Utrecht is committed to providing swimming lessons for children from 'groep 4' (Grade 2) with the goal of achieving the A-diploma.

By Lourine Ikink-Karanja, classroom teacher Grade 2

In our school, Grade 2 students attend swimming lessons every Tuesday. These 45 minute sessions are designed to guide our young learners through the ABC diplomas outlined by the National Swimming Diploma Council.

During these lessons, students learn essential skills such as getting familiar with water, various swimming techniques (breast strokes, back strokes, side strokes), survival in the water, and much more. The aim is to equip them with the ability to handle themselves in and around water, ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience.

Level groups

Given that some students may already have had private lessons or prior experience, a level classification is conducted during school swimming. This ensures that each student is appropriately placed, avoiding repetition of skills they have already mastered. When a student fulfils the requirements of their level group, they move to a new group with a different instructor.

Our swimming lessons are led by qualified instructors. Additionally, our teachers and some parents are present during the sessions to supervise the children, emphasising safety and a positive learning environment.

Manage underwater disorientation

When swimming for the A-diploma, the students are required to participate fully clothed, including shoes. It is crucial for children to develop the ability to manage underwater disorientation while weighed down by clothing.

While achieving a swimming diploma is an accomplishment, it is essential for parents to remember that continued practice is key. Without regular swimming, skills and strength acquired during the lessons may diminish. Encourage your child to keep swimming to maintain their proficiency and confidence in the water.

Remember, as our Grade 2 stars dive into success, let's keep the waves of achievement rolling – because in the pool of possibilities, their confidence knows no bounds!