Careers events for students and parents


Students from grade 9-12 explored career and educational pathways during 2 days of  career inspiration events.

By Kelly Murray and Thomas Middleton, careers counsellors

Thursday 23  November: A Day of Insights

The day commenced with eight dedicated school parents generously volunteering their time to share their unique career journeys with our Grades 9-10 students. Students learned about a wide variety of professions from cyber security to forestry. These personal narratives enriched the students' understanding of the vast career possibilities within our ISU community.

Simultaneously, our DP students had the privilege of engaging with representatives from esteemed universities, including the University of Stirling, University of Glasgow, Abertay University, University of St Andrews, University of Aberdeen, and the University of Edinburgh. These representatives shed light on various courses and provided valuable insights into life in Scotland. Students took full advantage of this mini university fair, by asking lots of insightful questions.

Post MYP Pathways: Diploma Programme, MBO & Careers Programme

In the evening, parents of Grades 9-10 were invited to explore the diverse pathways available for students post-MYP programme completion. DP Coordinator, Ms Olivia Ayes, explained the requirements of the rigorous DP programme and subject choices, while Mrs Marloes Manni introduced an exciting new collaboration between ISU and MBO Utrecht, offering students an alternative route through Dutch education. Special thanks to Rotterdam International School for presenting to our parents about their Careers Programme (CP), providing yet another potential option for our students who upon completion of the CP, can continue studying at applied sciences universities in the Netherlands. The aim of these information sessions was to underscore the variety of pathways open to MYP students upon completion, recognising that the DP may not be the ideal fit for everyone.

University application system

Ms Kelly Murray concluded the evening with a comprehensive presentation on the university application system and information about different types of universities in the Netherlands and abroad. All presentations from the evening are available on the For Parents Section of this website

Friday 24 November: Beyond Borders - Exploring Study Abroad Opportunities

Ms Murray and Mr Middleton led a group of Grade 10 -11 students to the Buitenlandbeurs (Study Abroad Fair). This fair provided a platform for students to engage with universities from the Netherlands and abroad, attend information talks, and explore opportunities for studying and volunteering. It was a day filled with possibilities as students inquired further about potential paths for their academic and personal growth.

Parent speakers

We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of these events, making them informative and inspiring for our students. Together, we are creating a community that empowers students to make informed decisions about their futures. Many thanks to our parent speakers: Mehavel Aruldass, Iana Tsandev, Vighnesh Trivedi, Mark Oram, Chris James, Mehrnoosh Shirangi, Esther de weger and Rahul Mishra.