Are you a bucket filler?


'You need other people to fill your bucket and they need you to fill theirs'. The Grade 5 students spoke about the Learner Profile Attribute 'caring' during the first primary assembly of the school year. To explain what they meant by caring the read Have you filled a bucket today? A guide to daily happiness for kids by Carol Mc Cloud and David Messing.

'Everyone has a bucket. When it is full you are happy and content but when it is empty, you feel sad and lonely', the Grade 5's tell their audience. 'You need other people to fill your bucket and they need you to fill theirs.'  And this is also true: 'When you fill someone else's bucket, you fill yours too as you feel good about yourself when you are kind to someone or help someone.'

Bucket Dippers

Beware of 'bucket dippers'. According to the Grade 5's: 'Bucket dippers empty your bucket by making cruel jokes and being unkind. You will find that many bucket dippers have an empty bucket themselves.' To help themselves and everyone listening to think about being caring, the students placed a big cardboard box at the Welcome Desk. In this box, all members of the community can share how they were caring to someone. You can put in a drawing, picture or message. Next assembly Ms Lindsey Dudgeon, Leader of Primary Years, will share the best examples.

Primary assemblies

All primary students come together for an assembly 11 times during the academic year. All students sit together in the Aula and sing the school song. Assemblies are hosted by the different Grade levels and the primary music team. All Grade levels (except for KG1) host an assembly addressing one or more of the IB Learner Profiles:

  • Grade 5: Caring
  • Grade 4: Communicator
  • Grade 3: Principled, Thinker
  • Grade 2: Risk-taker
  • Grade 1: Inquirer
  • KG 2: Open-minded
  • End of Year Assembly: Knowledgeable

The music team also hosts 4 assemblies throughout the year. During the music assemblies all Grade levels will perform.