The Utrecht International Centre
The Utrecht International Centre (UIC) information desk is located in the Stadskantoor, which can be found near the west exit of Utrecht Central Station at the Stadsplateau 1.
The desk is open 5 days a week and you can just walk in an ask your questions. The UIC also helps out with your residents permit/visa and registration with the municipality. Last, but not least, the IWC organises a host of networking, social and information events.
The expat community in Utrecht
To help you connect with like minded internationals, or help you find some much needed information, we made a list of useful organisations, expat groups, expat information and much more.
- International Women's Contact Utrecht. This is an English speaking social club, run by members for members. The group currently has over 150 members and together, they organise activities and events across the province of Utrecht.
- Facebook groups, such as Utrecht mamas, Expats in Utrecht, Expats Utrecht and MeetUp group Make the most of Utrecht provide a great starting point for striking up new friendships in Utrecht.
- Websites, such as Expatica, Access, Angloinfo and Iamexpat provide a wealth of information for newcomers to the Netherlands.
- For English language Dutch news, you can check out, the Holland Times or Dutch News.