Service as Action in collaboration with volunteer organisations in Utrecht


The Service as Action (SAA) concept in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program focuses on practical learning, community involvement, and personal development to nurture responsible global citizens. SAA encourages students to actively engage with their communities, promoting empathy, critical thinking, and a lifelong commitment to social responsibility. We've initiated a journey of Service as Action (SAA) by teaming up with various volunteer organisations in Utrecht.

By Josefina Moreno, Service As Action coordinator and Aarti, student grade 10. Picture of a student helping out at volunteer organisation HipHelpt.

Before the summer break, we connected with several volunteer organisations in Utrecht, such as HIPHelpt, Schuldhulpmaatje and Vrijwilligers Centrale Utrecht. Their dedication and support have enabled our students to participate in volunteer activities within the local community.

We aspire to expand our network and offer our students more valuable SAA opportunities in the upcoming year. By doing so, we can further empower them to become active, compassionate, and responsible members of society.Together, one project at a time, we can make a meaningful difference in our local community.

Aarti, social media expert for Schuldhulpmaatje

We all know how important it is to take action that can benefit the people and organisations around us. Though this can be difficult to execute since it seems like such a daunting task. So we get stuck just thinking about the possibility of helping out without acting upon it. That is why I am glad the MYP introduces students to the habit of actively participating in improving their school, and outside communities early on, through Service as Action.

Service as action (SAA) is all about finding ways to make a positive impact in society, and is a requirement of MYP. In the beginning, I disliked the process, but soon I discovered how merging your interests and skillset with SAA is a simple way to enjoy it from the planning all the way to execution. 

Like everyone nowadays, I am an avid social media user. As a result, I am interested in the ways social media can be used beneficially. Also, I am a devoted advocate for organisations that help and support people in need. So, when I heard that  Schuldhulpmaatje was looking for volunteers to help out with their social media management I was immediately keen to participate. This was the perfect opportunity to combine my familiarity with social media and my passion for aid to raise awareness about financial issues within the youth. I met with the wonderful staff of the Utrecht Schuldhulmaatje and we immediately devised a plan to shine a light their amazing work through Instagram. Soon, we will put our plans into action and I cannot wait to see it come to life!