Precious memories of Paris


After an amazing few days in Paris, all of grade 10 came back wishing it wasn’t over! The entire trip was amazing and everyone who came back from it had so many great stories to tell about the adventures they had had! 

By Anne, student Grade 10

Despite having to leave really early and drive a lot of hours on Tuesday, we still managed to have a nice dinner, followed by a gorgeous 70-minute boat ride on the Seine and a trip to the Eiffel Tower. Lots of pictures were taken and everyone went to sleep already excited for the next few days to come. 

How to become a Parisian

The second day, we all went to the evolution museum and afterwards had free time for lunch with our friends. Once we had to meet back with the group, everyone either went to the Louvre or Centre Pompidou depending on which one they had chosen. We all got some free time in the museums and met up again for free dinner time and an evening comedy show called “How to Become a Parisian in One Hour”. 


Thursday everyone had an amazing day at Disneyland where we were free to do and explore everything and everyone came back with stories about the rides and had some fun pictures to show! 

Friday morning, although upsetting because it was the last day was still used as effectively as possible to have a good time. We visited the Arc de Triomphe and even climbed it just that morning! After that, we drove back to Utrecht and arrived around 22:00 to meet our parents and tell them about everything!