ISU Spring Concert

The ArtsCommunity

It has been more than 4 years (around 2019) since the last Spring Music concert that ISU held at the school, giving all our students, who were part of the after-school music activities, the opportunity to share their hard work through live musical performance experiences on stage.

By Juan Osorio, music teacher; pictures by Heidi(student, grade 7).

This year, the Music department team has opted to recover old customs and cultural traditions which forged the foundations of this school and enriched our community in a unique way among all the international schools in the country.

In this Spring Music Festival, there are more than 120 students involved who are part of the different musical projects that are carried out weekly within the musical programme of after-school music activities in the school. All of them are part of a musical community project that is being reborn at the school and from which the Music department hopes to bear fruit in a short period of time, seeing the involvement and commitment that our students share in their various projects.

Throughout this concert, 7 groups, both vocal and instrumental, will be interpreting a total of 22 songs that cover a wide musical spectrum from traditional songs, pop & rock music, classics, film music to contemporary minimalist works.